I live in California's 30th Congressional District. Pro-war Democrat Henry Waxman is my representative.
This November, three candidates will be opposing Waxman.
Republican Chuck Wilkerson advocates the usual saber rattling.
Libertarian Erich Miller's website is silent on the war. If I emailed him, pressed him to the wall, he might mumble something about being anti-foreign intervention. I don't know -- and I don't care. It's Miller's job to earn my vote by advocating the correct positions on the key issues. And he's not doing it.
Miller is running for Congress. Since we're "at war," foreign policy will be a big part of Miller's Congressional responsibilities -- yet his website only focuses on the economy and health care. For whatever reason, Miller hasn't found it worth his while to say anything about foreign policy.
Maybe Miller is afraid of offending someone and losing votes?
By contrast, the socialist Peace and Freedom Party candidate, Richard Castaldo, advocates the following positions on his home page:
1. Defund all wars of imperialism, including Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
2. Single-payer not-for-profit healthcare.
3. Abolish corporate "personhood." Rights belong to human beings, not corporations.
4. Terminate the Patriot Act and restore the Bill of Rights.
5. End corporate bailouts and create green jobs.
Castaldo's positions 1 and 4 are entirely libertarian. Many libertarians would agree with position 3. Position 5 is at least half libertarian. Only position 2 is clearly anti-libertarian.
Two out of five of Castaldo's positions (1 and 4) directly, aggressively, and unapologeticly address the core issues of our expanding wars and increasing loss of freedoms.
Why is the socialist Peace and Freedom Party more vocally libertarian on these key issues than the so-called Libertarian Party?
Do you see why I'm no longer a registered Libertarian? Why I've registered non-partisan and ignore party labels?
I'm not saying who I'll be voting for this November. But antiwar voters should educate themselves about every candidate, in every state and district. Then vote based on the issues that the candidates advocate (vocally and aggressively, not buried in some fine print). Don't waste your vote on something as meaningless as party labels.
Libertarian candidates must earn votes from libertarians, not be given votes simply because candidates have an L before their names.
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