Sunday, May 26, 2024

Police Remove Starchild from 2024 Libertarian National Convention During Trump Speech

Starchild is well known in the California Libertarian community, having served in many party offices on a local (San Francisco), state, and national level.

During my active years in the Libertarian Party (1990s to 2000s) I met Starchild several times at state and national conventions. I've always found him to be unfailingly polite and personable.

I dropped out of LP activism in late 2009, but I see that Starchild is still at it. He's even made national news.

Starchild was forcibly ejected from the LP's national convention floor during Trump's speech. As near as I can tell from the footage, all Starchild was doing was holding up a protest sign.

Watch the video and judge for yourself.

Britain's Daily Mail also provided some coverage of Starchild in its reporting, though the DM don't know his name. (See Daily Mail photo below).
